It’s got to be got2b! Wind-tunnel tested! This Got2b Spiking Styling Glue is water resistant and delivers hold so strong your style will last until your next shampoo.
Push through hair to put it in place. Nothing´s moving here! Use Got2b Spiking Styling Glue on damp hair. Squeeze a small amount into palms, rub hands together and distribute evenly throughout hair. For over the top spikes, apply to fingertips and pull through hair twisting at the tips.
Cool tip for extra grip: Slightly dampen tips of spikes and reapply a small amount of glued spiking glue. Keep your spikes super stiff! From volume & shine to hold & spikes, got2b offers the right styling products for your individual look.
It’s all about expressing your style – show off your personality, individuality & attitude with got2b brand! No matter what look you’re going for, you can get it with got2b products. You got2b you!
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